API of the Week: Data Source Handbook
http://www.readwriteweb.com/hack/2011/01/api-of-the-week-data-source-handbook.php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+readwriteweb+%28ReadWriteWeb%29&utm_content=Google+Reader This week, instead of a single API we're spotlighting ReadWriteWeb contributor Pete Warden 's new e-book Data Source Handbook , which was just released today. Pete covers a slew of data sources including, of course, many APIs. "These are hand-picked services that I've actually spent time using during my own work," Pete writes. "And I chose them because they add insights and information to data you're already likely to be dealing with." He's made a list of services and a couple excerpts available here . Here's the full description of the book: If you're a developer looking to supplement your own data tools and services, this concise ebook covers the most useful sources of public data available today. You'll fin...