What’s Broken in Greece? Ask an Entrepreneur
The International Monetary Fund and the Greek government agree that lasting progress can be made only by instituting reforms that would make it easier for Greek companies to produce export-quality goods. Such measures include cutting taxes, easing the path for companies to win investment permits and — as entrepreneurs like Mr. Politopoulos hope — scrapping outdated laws that restrict business production.
George P. Zanias, the top economic adviser to Greece’s finance minister, George Papaconstantinou, said: “Historically, the supply side of the economy has been neglected — it was just a question of increasing demand. Vested interests built up and economic distortions increased.”
The International Monetary Fund and the Greek government agree that lasting progress can be made only by instituting reforms that would make it easier for Greek companies to produce export-quality goods. Such measures include cutting taxes, easing the path for companies to win investment permits and — as entrepreneurs like Mr. Politopoulos hope — scrapping outdated laws that restrict business production.
Eirini Vourloumis for The New York Times
Demetri Politopoulos at his microbrewery in northern Greece. He says Greek leaders need to do more to make the country an easier place to do business.
Eirini Vourloumis for The New York Times
Although the company has grown, it is still hard to find its beers at major hotels and restaurants in Athens. Cans were stacked in its lab.